CCRI clustering workshop

Jan 17, 2025

On 16 January 2025, our project participated in a clustering workshop organised by the Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI), in cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD).

During this virtual event entitled “From demonstration to deployment of circular solutions: First lessons learnt from CCRI pilot cases” coordinator Andrea Prieto Pabón introduced FIC-Fighters to an audience of more than 80 participants from various other Horizon Europe-funded projects performing research around innovative circular economy solutions.

Following the introduction of the other CCRI projects that kicked off in 2024, including CircSyst, Solstice, CSSBoost and CisWEFE-NEX system, the workshop continued with focused discussions which allowed the more advanced projects to exchange on first results, challenges and lessons learnt.

We were glad to meet representatives from Agro2Circular, Frontship, Syschemiq, TREASoURcE, CIRCULAR FOAM, EcoeFISHent, CircBoost, reconstruct and WOODCIRCLES, among others, and look forward to further exchanges and peer-learning opportunities!

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